I always have several custom order stocks on back-order with McMillan, but got this following notification from them last month.
Important Notice: August, 2014
Due to recent determinations at the US Department of State, McMillan Fiberglass Stocks now require an export license to ship fiberglass stocks internationally. McMillan understands that there may be varying country requirements and wishes to make the export process as painless as possible. McMillan has an onsite export manager with experience in exporting internationally. Additionally, we have agreements with several international partners in various countries that can facilitate the export process.
Thought - oh shit, here we go again. Another fiasco in the making, like the Boyds situation from last year.
Basically, this means export permit/fee of US$350 or so for anyone wanting to order a stock. So as not to put at risk my existing orders i have got organised and have now got an approved export permit (for large number of stocks) which should cover us for the next 12 months or more. So at least NZ customers now have at least one licensed dealer to get stocks into NZ if required. I have had a dealer account with McMillan since 1998, so they were pretty good and were keen to keep the supply channels open.
Custom order stocks are still in the 5-8 month range, but i can get some of their surplus/over-run stocks in a matter of a few weeks, but no guarantees of what is available at any one time with those. I might try to keep a few of the popular numbers in stock (like Hunters Edge stocks), but most will be 'to-order' only.
YES, there will be handling fees, GST and admin fees, to cover the business costs associated with supplying these stocks on behalf of my existing customers or anyone else based in NZ who may want a McMillan stock. Not able to provide 'free-service' importing, sorry. Admin time and costs have to be covered.
EMAIL me (rather than PM) if you need any further info or assistance.
Cheers, Dean.