As some of you may know Auckland Shooting Club has been going through a lengthy process of getting the club's pistol certification back after it was withdrawn a few years ago. It is pleasing to say that the pistol ranges are now certified and able to be used again for all pistol disciplines. Any one in the Auckland area that is interested in gaining an endorsement now has another option to choose from.
Also :
Resource consent for Auckland Shooting Club is now open for public submissions
Friends: please make a submission in support of the resource consent. Shown here are the 1st & last pages of the letter that has been sent out to people in the area. It doesn't matter where in NZ you are based, this is public & will attract a lot of submissions from lots of anti-firearms folks, from all over NZ.
In fact, international submissions would also help. Please.
Here is the link to make a submission online: (may need to copy / paste)
Please help Auckland Shooting Club.
Any support is appreciated.