Why did the NZDA top job holders all get the boot?
Apparently the lot have now been replaced ..anyone know?
Why did the NZDA top job holders all get the boot?
Apparently the lot have now been replaced ..anyone know?
I will read with great interest.
Let’s just say the financial accounts appear to have been making a sudden beeline for the red ink over the last couple of years, and may have been putting the national organisation at real risk of bankruptcy. A lot of expenses that many considered unnecessary.. such as the (now ex) nat pres hiring a PR agency to write his statements for him.
The new crew know they’ve got a job to do, so hopefully they can straighten things up.
There's a CEO now and they are meant to make it more professional
Are you a member @doinit?
It does appear that it was about financial management - but collectively it is quite a wealthy organisation. Across the branches there are a lot of assets. Appointing a professional and decent CE like they have will make a difference. Ive noticed a more professional and focussed approach already in their statements and press - releases.
My own view is that no matter how capable the mew CE is, he needs to take care that he does not become bigger than the organisation itself (which would be easy, because this guy is very capable). That would be his down fall - he must remember that the electives are there partly for their egos and they must be allowed a public platform too. Previous CE's of Fed Farmers have done that and paid the price. Politics, huh, cant get away from it.
Maybe NATEX was the management model for parliament.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
NZDA is in a difficult place to be sure. I rejoined about 5 years ago after a 20 year hiatus. Nothing much had changed - bunch of mostly good guys doing a few things - mostly real good like young hunters courses. I started going to meetings but have now faded from that cause they weren't really offering me anything (and I'm not just a taker, I'm on the committee/trustee of 5 organisations, just in from Invercargill Rifle Club AGM).
I remain a member because I believe in the power of national level advocacy/political input and I think they communicate/consult/deliver well on this, but its bloody hard yards to keep people (young ones esp) engaged and paying for this sort of thing.
Ive been a member for 52 years.
nah I was made welcome enough, helped that I knew a few of the guys. I went to a few working bees and a few meetings but nothing "came of it". I'm currently on the committee of a rodeo club, a rifle club and the hall committee, and they all have similar issues with "engaging members".
In the rodeo club we try and give new members "a job" so they can get involved but I'd say the success rate is less than 50%. Funny old world we live in.
As a young hunter I found that they were great for advice. But you're kinda on your own. Went to my first party hunt. Got paired up for that then was on my own.
Funnily enough the good looking girls never have that issue.
The party hunts can be good. Usually a good way to meet people and make hunts pretty affordable
I end up going to the meetings for cheap beer, venison and chatting with mates.
Just out of interest (I'm not a member) who can explain all the different membership levels of NZDA as it doesn't really say on their website that I can find.
Hi, was trying to register online as a NZDA member but unable to do so. Anyone has the same problem with the online application?
Email the admin last week but did not get a reply yet.
On the side note, would like to sign up basic hunting course. Any recommendation? Thanks!