what do people recommend and what must i stay away from?
(I've boiled and water blastered it and it looks good so far)
what do people recommend and what must i stay away from?
(I've boiled and water blastered it and it looks good so far)
Blonde hair dye
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Get the strongest one ie: has the most peroxide in it. Mix it up, brush it on, leave and hour or so then clean it off
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
I'm just in the process of doing one, not quite 100% clean yet before a final degrease and peroxide.
It can be confusing as sometimes it is described as vol 20 (6%) vol 40 (12%) etc...TRADEME normally has a few examples although they seem pricey this year, I've normally got litre of developer for around $20 from memory.
Will have a look in a chemist but I think they will be more expensive.
Once your happy its clean and degreased put some protection around the base of the antlers, get a plastic tray that will fit the skull in and paint it on starting on the inside. Get into all the cavity. Put it somewhere warm, and leave it for 12-24 hours.
I normally do it before work then wash it off when I get home and let it dry fully before either settling with the result or giving it a bit more..I'm happy with taking a bit longer to get it right.
Good luck its rewarding and a good way of honouring your efforts on the hill and the animal.
Ant hill.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
This is a cham skull done with hair dye, have done several with it now
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Used “baquashock” last ones I did. It’s a pool cleaning liquid from farmlands. Was $60 for 5 litres and I used 1 litre of it on 2 tahr skulls.
@Smartie what do you mean by final degrease?
oven cleaner