Not far away from coming to its new home
Not far away from coming to its new home
Chamois certainly have a variation in the colour of their skin dependent on time of year...
So what length were the horns, and where are you planning on putting the skin??
It was my first cham i had shot and it only had one 10" horn. 3" on the other, Shame really that it had horn rot. Unsure where am going to put it. Live in a small house so limited places and space. Doesn't help i have not long got a couple of bull thar skins back from my first trip down south 15months and a fallow i got tanned to see what it would out like.
Thinking of putting them up on the wall down our hall way. Wife just loves them![]()
I reckon they look just great on the wall, real eye catching.
Used to have several tahr and chamois skins on the wall and got heaps of positive comments abut them from non hunters over the years...
Do your bull tahr skins have a unique smell to them???
Used to encounter horn rot in varying degrees a fair bit when I was doing lots of hunting on the west coast. Chamois with just 2 stumps sometimes. Only encountered it in Canterbury once, and that wasnt to far from the main divide....
@matagouri both bull tahr skins have no smell, they were both shot end of feb if that makes a difference. The only reason i got the two of them done is i thought the first might of got hair slip. It was 36hrs before getting salt on it. then got wet and was about 8 days till it i put it in a freezer. Both skins couldn't have come out any better.
The Chamois was shot on the west coast inland from greymouth.
Well done... now you need to get a winter one![]()
I need a winter one too.
Shut up, get out & start pushing!