Tooth brush with peroxide (wear safety glasses) or even a a nail or awl to scrape off the dirt
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Tooth brush with peroxide (wear safety glasses) or even a a nail or awl to scrape off the dirt
@Bent Barrel big Chamois
Attachment 265326
Hey @Billbob, once the skull is clean what can I use to seal the bone. I want to finish my tahr head properly.
Attachment 265521
That's a nice looking tahr, pm in coming
Finally found a piece of wood that fits what I had invisaged.
Nice to have it up on the wall.
Attachment 265908
Attachment 265909
Here's the story of the hunt.
Wow that timber is awesome, absolutely love it. Just read the story and that tahr had an amazing mane on it. It's nearly time to start the 2025 stag and Buck thread...!
Finally finished off my Fallow buck from mid last year. I wasn't confident in the rear skull holding together on a skull hook but it seems to be sturdy enough. Really happy with the main skull, the smaller fragments were really tricky to get clean though and I made a mistake by gluing all of them together and then to the skull as one piece. This resulted is some large gaps in places, I'd start from the skull first next time.... but boy I will be trying my darnedest to not make such a mess of the next beautiful stag/buck/bull!! It's made a classic euro seem like a breeze in comparison.
Attachment 266762
Attachment 266763
Attachment 266764
Attachment 266765
Very nice
@Hook_Grass you have done a fantastic job, your hunting collection has started.
Cheers fullas, I've gleaned a lot of information from knowledgeable blokes such as yourself @Billbob .
Lines up nicely next to the boar from last winter and a re do job I've done on my first chamois buck.
Attachment 267416
Attachment 267417
Some I’ve mounted on off it slabs I had left over. The latest ones I’ve used a coach bolt through hole in back of skull and nut and washer countersunk in timber. Attachment 268329
Attachment 268331
Need to re do this one so no screws can be seen
Nice work, they look like a couple of decent big heads.
Recent Chamois for a youtuber just short of 10"
Attachment 268359
I shot a nice first tahr this weekend and would like to bring the trophy home to Norway.
Could you contact me at +64275105570?
Best regards,
Awesome to speak with you Sir, Glad you have got your tahr in good hands to preserve your memories of hunting in NZ
Another Chamois finished.
Attachment 270972
I'm 70 and still having a crack.
Last 5 deer hunting trips, 5 deer. Mind you nothing to write home about. But im as happy as a pig in shit.
Shot a spiky sanbar few months ago and a very young sambar on tuesday. Will go well in the BBQ.
You just need to modify how you go about it.
Just to add to above.
Didn't go so well when I was younger. For many reasons but mainly not being able to put in the time. BUT, I reckon slowing down has help a LOT.
I did a similar style for a mate many years ago but I ran the timber ( old Totara post ) over a planer - just enough to make some areas hi-lighted as the actual timber underneath with the rest ( the grooves ) left natural - the planed hi points came up smpooth as glass - looked real good with a coat of oil just a thought - one head on here is on a piece of timber with a lot of blade chatter on it - its what one likes I quess but I would have planed that piece dead smooth and oiled it makes the grain stand out - but some nice work here
I havent mentioned before about the shoulder mounts I do, here is a sneak peek on a couple of fallow i recently finished. Heading onto their owners wall tomorrow.
Attachment 270973
Gutted I didn't get chance to call in and see these close up.they look great.your doing awesome work mate.
The night is yet young @Micky Duck
Hung this on the wall today. Not flash but come up nice.
Well done mate looking good