That's a trophy goat what's the spread?
@Marty Henry yeah it is a stunner, a trophy for me for sure. But it comes in at 29.5 inches, just under!
Very nicely done!
I also like it this way myself.
Usually I do "long nose cuts" but without teeth.
Maybe another ideo for you:
With special ones that I like to stick out a little I really like those stands on sideboards or shelfs lately...
Wow @Ben_SK that chamois on the stand is an epic way to mount it. It looks incredible. Maybe that'll be what I do when I eventually get one (I always tend to get distracted by deer on the way up through the bush!).
I don't think the video link came through, keen to see what it was. Cheers!
Hello Springy,
thanks! And yeah, I know what you mean... For me it only worked out because it was a dedicated chamois mission.
Did you refer to the "attachment 261061" when you were talking about a video link?
That was just the picture...
I did not try to provide another link.
Ah I get you now @Ben_SK I read 'ideo' as video rather than idea. All good. Yes a dedicated mission sounds like the way to go!