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He hasn't produced said head yet either for public viewing. Although it has moved to being a high priority project - eh Bud!
@Carpe Diem, I have been tempted to comment on this but thought I would give him a few more weeks...he may have been busy, of course:D I have wondered if it is even real...oh well, we will just have to keep waiting...I guess...:D
As long as he sits in pubs drinking with buddies there will not be any progress on the project. Slack bugger. Good to see you though Scouser.
After some 'Danish oil' and then it will be finished.......can't rush these things.....Sistine chapel was quicker. ....:thumbsup:
we know it was, @Scouser...we know it was...
why are we waiting, why are we waiting...could be a song in there...
Back on track....first coat of Danish oil...... @EeeBees
YAY!!!!! nice piece of timber that...:)
Fuck rushy bro if you like it thats all that matters:thumbsup:
I wanna see that head on it on the wall!
Ditto, @veitnamcam :D
Taraaaaaa.....its done, finally, after 3 coats of Danish oil, its a bit camouflaged in a Lockwood home, but i love it.......big thanks once again to VC for the wood.....
so if this 'pommy barstewart' can be so bold, an 8-point Red mounted on a piece of Matai, using No 8 wire.......a true 'Kiwi Classic'......:thumbsup:
Good job Scouser
Liking it Scouser :cool:
Yeh good on you Scouser. About time. Have you reported in to Eeebees?
Can't believe she hasn't posted yet, she been buggin me for 'months'......haharrrrrr @EeeBees :wtfsmilie:
it has been like waiting for your overdue pet elephant to calf, but there it is...looks fanblimingtastic, @Scouser...wuuuhuuuu, you really must be a knew zeelunda!!!!
I was going to say Christmas will be here before Scouser got the skull mounted. Glad I didn't put money on it
its a bit camouflaged in a Lockwood home
Welcome Vytieubao.