this is one of my favourite mount yet.
every hunter needs a Hind in their trophy room... without these, there is no giants.
this is one of my favourite mount yet.
every hunter needs a Hind in their trophy room... without these, there is no giants.
they are the boss n the brains of the herd....good on you for talking time to honor her so well.
I drive a fertilizer spreader on deer farm from time to all things about deer,another farm recently weaned the fawns and put them out in paddock WITHOUT older hinds as silly teenagers they had no idea how to behave,many had smashed into fences and broke necks/legs before they put older hinds in and all issues disapeared like magic...I can sow paddock of young deer if older hind is present..the younguns look at "Aunty" and she grazing away without care in younguns stay calm and behave...matriarchal means Mum is the boss.... when old boss hind dies its usually one of her offspring who take over leading the herd.
now young stags....hoons absolute plurry hoons...they line up and play chicken with my truck,scooting across infront of me and then waiting till I come back so they can do it again...I USED to slow I put foot down and hope like hell one doesnt trip over....
Oi micky! quite a delayed post response here.
Great little memory there man,,, i liked that!
in times of "lowering" the deer, on Private land, i found shooting the matriarchal Hind was better for being able to follow up on the younger Deer, without the Wisdom directly from the hind, they should of learnt quite a bit in their short career ....but she knows the Most.
in the Bush, those matriarchal hinds are priceless.
here she is finished off ... llooooveeenn it