As a newbie, I am looking forward to your posts, as you say, so much to learn.
I've been confined, due to lock down and also waiting on an operation, so I've been learning as much as I can, about archery, from the interweb and the uTubery, but have yet to have hands on experience with my bow (NZPost compulsory delays).
I am making: a target out of layered banana boxes, a set of stabilisers out of aluminium tube, brass washers and well nuts, and I've assembled a little tool kit with all the things uTube reckons yer need
I reckon I'll be spending the winter, tuning and getting to know my bow, and practise, practise, practise.
I hope that new as I am, I'll be able to ask questions here on this board and get input from seasoned bowyers, such as your self.
