In what may become an occasional series, of posts detailing the set up of my Bow etc, I'd thought I'd post about some, do-it-myself stabilisers.
I was very bored in lockdown whilst I waited for my Bow, so I made these:
The Camo ones are Aluminium tube, with well-nuts in one end and a SS bolt epoxied, in the other.
The weights are old version 50¢ and 20¢ pieces with holes drilled in them.
The Camo is a tape, that I got off eBay - brilliant, it won't stick to anything, except very, very, well, to itself, so it clings onto anything you can wrap it around.
The 50¢ and 20¢ pieces were "tempered" but making them red hot and quenching them in oil, this made them black
The wooden ones are genuine Antique, in that, they were made out of a walking stick I found. The sliver band, on the shorter one has hall marks, that I looked up and say, it was made in Birmingham in 1840 and is Stirling Silver.
The observant, may notice pieces of fishing reel, serving as weights on these ones. Also small silver pin weights, to offset the rotational harmonics of the stabilisers.(really, just to fill the holes, left by borer)
And they fit to this, from Mr Lim, c/o eBay.