Starter Compound Bow Questions
New to bows and have a few questions!
Looking to get a starter compound bow to practice target shooting (and eventually for hunting) and I've gone to Gun City and Hunting & Fishing in Christchurch but they don't really have much of a selection so I can't try anything out. Any recommendations for a good archery store that could set me up in CHCH? I've a rather small frame so would be looking to get something that's smaller and lighter
I'm also not sure how to tell a left-handed from a right-handed bow when looking at pictures of listings on TradeMe. I searched online for examples but still find it very confusing due to the orientation of the bow (which way is up?). Is there an easy to remember, straight-forward method to tell?
When a bow (such as the mankung thorns) states that the draw weight is 30-70lbs, is it fully adjustable within that range without requiring any add-ons? The reason I'm confused is that for something like the PSE bows, the draw weights are stated as 50 lbs., 60 lbs., 70 lbs., 80 lbs and if I'm not wrong, require different limbs to achieve the different ranges.
Also, I saw a 2nd hand Mankung thorns at a pawn shop for $400, was wondering if that is a good buy considering I won't know how much it's previously been used?