Well lads I am laying here in bed feeling sorry for myself - sore wrist, sore arms, sore back, sore hamstrings (did not know you used them for archery?!!) after shooting probably in excess of 200 arrows yesterday!!! I am mega hooked. Oh and all night I dreamt of bow hunting goats and birds...probably the comical BJ Holdsworth videos I was watching before I fell asleep
I just got set up with an Apex Blizzard package, I don't know what pound I am pulling I just backed it off until it felt good...came at 55lbs in the box and I couldn't draw!! Probably 25-30lbs now I'd guess. My bow can be backed right off to 5lbs so @Gibo could shoot it if he wanted.
I'm a bit disappointed that it's raining today, my 'range' is outdoors so might wander down to an orchard and ask if I can borrow a big shed later..
So addictivecan't wait to get my first animal with it!