have to agree there bro, our EOI is in the May draw, so fingers crossed a new life awaits.
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have to agree there bro, our EOI is in the May draw, so fingers crossed a new life awaits.
@Gibo .... :D I'll stop now, don't wanna ruin to many threads
I shoot a mathews monster @ 72 pounds, arrows 300 instigators, with 125 grain spitfire max broadheads.
i am new to hunting, and new to hunting. currently sighting in my first bow, a Mathews ChillR. Very nice piece of kit.
Any bowhunters frequent this forum?
Stabiliser arrived today from the USA. Bow starting to look the business now!
I just discovered the wonders of eBay and bought new bits for mine! If only I could shoot like it looks! Lol
Well lads I am laying here in bed feeling sorry for myself - sore wrist, sore arms, sore back, sore hamstrings (did not know you used them for archery?!!) after shooting probably in excess of 200 arrows yesterday!!! I am mega hooked. Oh and all night I dreamt of bow hunting goats and birds...probably the comical BJ Holdsworth videos I was watching before I fell asleep :)
I just got set up with an Apex Blizzard package, I don't know what pound I am pulling I just backed it off until it felt good...came at 55lbs in the box and I couldn't draw!! Probably 25-30lbs now I'd guess. My bow can be backed right off to 5lbs so @Gibo could shoot it if he wanted. ;)
I'm a bit disappointed that it's raining today, my 'range' is outdoors so might wander down to an orchard and ask if I can borrow a big shed later..
So addictive :cool: can't wait to get my first animal with it!
Where did that come from? I'll have you know i'm good for at least a 10lb draw!
I've been getting into my bow hunting this year. So I'm pretty new to it all but this is what I've found:
An arrow with a broad head will go through a bunny and so far into the ground and you might not see it to find it.
The washer stops the arrow from penetrating the ground, it just sort of flips end over end.
The washers will invariably get bend but you can straighten them up in a vice.
From what I've seen it's both effective and ethical but won't be legal on DOC land as your arrow-head has to have blades*.
A 20c coin with a hole drilled in it will do the trick too (& possibly cheeper than washers).
[COUGH] Not that it's legal to do that to money.
* Bow and cross bow hunting: Permits and licences