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Thread: Akai Custom Guns coming to NZ?

  1. #1
    R93 is offline
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    Akai Custom Guns coming to NZ?

    I recently received an advertising email from Gunsnz I think? I noticed they mentioned they are expecting some guns from Shay Akai. Reviews are pretty good on most of his stuff.
    Was planning to get the STI DVC Limited, but by all accounts I might have to wait over a year for one to show up.

    I like the look of the Savage or Barbarian. Anyone know anything else about this shipment? I will ring them when I am back in NZ for some info but maybe someone, knows when and what they are getting. I dont wanna be too slow like I was with the STI.
    199p likes this.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.



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