Does it really need to be this bloody painful?
It is like pulling teeth with no fucking anaesthetic.
I know I am a moaning old doddery bugger but jeez all I want to do is pay the fee to be able to submit my applications for B and E endorsement.
So I truck up to NZ Post this morning and tell them I want to pay the fee for the submission of a POL67F and POL67H. Sure says the chick behind the counter, how much do you want to pay? How the fuck do I know (do you just make up a number?) don't you have a list of fee structures for relative Police forms? The answer of course was a resounding NO so I left thinking how hard would it be to have a piece of A4 with the fee structures on it to the left of the tellers window.
Thinking like a clever bugger, I google the Police web site and cruise for ten minutes trying to find the answer but unless I had a man look (entirely possible) it is not there to be found.
Next I think on my feet and proceed to the Kumeu Huapai Police Station to ask a human. Fuck me! No humans to be found. Apparently the is no need for the local Police Station to be manned on a Saturday or Sunday. Getting frustrated now.
Not being one to give up, I think laterally and Google the phone number for the Henderson Police Station, ring them up, listen to four repetitions of their "if you have an emergency then dial 111" message and finally get to talk to a human. Can I speak to the Arms Officer or someone that knows the fee structure relative to the application for B and E endorsement applications. NO (WTF) the AO only works Monday to Friday. Surely someone else must know says I. Nope only the AO. So I hang up thinking how hard would it be to have a piece of A4 with the fee structures on it next to the telephonists desk?
I give up. I still have no idea how much I have to pay. I have heard that the Black Power and Mongrel Mob have a whole lot easier system.
Rant over.