I wouldn't mind a play with the 92G Elite LTT
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My biggest concern would be the availability of spare parts and mags, otherwise I'd actually like to have a go with one, I hear they suit people with big hands.
Did some more CZ shooting over the weekend, I definitely like the shadow 2 but for the price difference it'll be hard to justify, so probably on the lookout for an SP-01 in the near future.
That is to say because so many sport Shooters use CZ, and with the army and police both using Glocks, finding bits for them being the usual suspects is easier. I remember a few years back a customer broke the extractor in his mini 14, probably due to running hot 5.56 ammo in it, a spare one through furleys was going to be months away, if the guy had had an AR you'd have had the extractor overnight. But I digress......
Add black powder and you can bring it along to a cowboy shoot out in Waitati!
Out of interest @tommygun what did you end up going with?