To many oldies and to few young people.
I am witnessing a year on year reduction in the number of members of the pistol club that I belong to and am posting this thread in an attempt to make a positive change before the shooting activities that I so passionately participate in become consigned to the fate of Dodo’s and Dinosaur’s.
If any Auckland based A category firearms license holders have an interest in pistol shooting then send me a private message and I would be happy to host you to an introductory shoot at the club.
Our club conducts several different pistol shooting discipline competitions (cowboy action, service pistol, IPSC speed steel, multi gun) all of which are a great deal of fun.
I would have you know though that pistol shooting has an element of expense to it (club fees, firearms and ammunition) and requires an on going commitment to participate in twelve scheduled club shoots per year. Whilst you do not have to purchase any pistols on the journey to getting your B endorsement (the club pistols serve this purpose) our club does expect new members to show commitment in the first six months but participation in all disciplines and attendance at twelve shoots before it will support an endorsement application.
I don’t think I can make it any more clear than that so if you hold an interest then let me know and I will provide some further information and arrange to take you along one Saturday.