Had a great day until the second last stage. Stage prior we shot from a box/rectangle 10×2m.
The next stage they flipped the box which was on hinges closer to the targets.
Long stage. 36rnds iirc. Anyway the brief stated to shoot from behind the box using the rear of the box as the line.
I was enjoying the stage a bit much and jumped inside it.
12 rounds fired losing me 120 points.😣
My shoot is fucked now but I am still enjoying myself.😆
Learning heaps.
Met Uplandstalker briefly. And there are a few others about.
There are 2 grand masters in my division and it is enjoyable watching them shoot. And make the odd mistake😆
nzfubz still going strong. He should come out of the shoot pretty well.
I will put my effort down to a learning experience for a noob😆
Gun has worked flawlessly. So that is a plus.
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