I appreciate the comment.
I'm not trying to convince anyone to replace their Maxtoch's though. If you can afford to spend the money, get a Maxtoch for sure. I was certainly impressed by the quality but of course you're paying for it. If I made that video on a night with high humidity, fog/haze etc, the 2x would of won easily.
Unfortunately, as a small business with limited funds, I'm limited to what I can come up with. I can't get a new model designed without spending approx $25k usd on 1000pcs as a MOQ requirement. I have to use hosts that already exist. Using a warm tint is what you want for hunting when the conditions aren't ideal, but Osram don't make them, so far the CULPM1 is 5700K and CSLNM1 is 6500K only.
I see the NZ dealers are selling a couple models using the cool white CSLNM1 version in the Maxtoch M1/M2, OwlEyes M1, and Archer M Pro. The M1 & M2 have a step down of 3 minutes which is the same as my C8+ V1, the M Pro at 5 minutes. I prefer the CULPM1 version in my V2 since it's a warmer tint and slightly wider beam.
Thank you, I mean it. I'm agreeing with all of your points. Maybe I was a bit jumpy, it is a forum after all.
Do you think I should drop my red and green versions and just stock filters? I'm on the fence about it since filters reduce the range by a large amount. There seems to be a lot of mixed thinking out there in regards to whether the red and green is effective.
Then again, the green has been given a lot of praise on Trade Me for being easy on the eyes, and good range. Had a few pig hunters who favor green so maybe I'll keep it