The beauty of the Brown Bomber over the years has been its ability to hoodwink many a snooty beer drinker.
On many occasions when I’ve had the opportunity to provide ale to friends or acquaintances, and the only option is my Lion Brown, i’ve sneakily poured the cans into glasses without them knowing what brand of beer they are drinking.
Whereupon the glass is summarily drained and a refill hinted at.
Refill granted, repeat.
Usually after half a box I shall reveal the secret and the response is always the same….
[Surprised look] Look, normally I wouldn’t drink that but that was actually really good. [Cue excuses]
The moral of the story is that when you’re thirsty on a hot day, beer is beer and it pays not to be a snobby bastard in case you end up looking a bit daft!