outdoor adventures chris
i feel ashamed and disgusted that i never even knew he,d died.
chris did so much for local gun clubs with prizes support and was always helpful courteous .
in short a hell of a guy who kept ammo prices realler than the big shops
rip chris i,l always remember the duckshooter days at mead te pirita and ashvegas
It was announced at the mid Canterbury hunting comp that he had died hell of a nice guy
Used to go down there every year for opening weekend and then chase the geese for a few days after. My brother would orgainise our ammo(federal) through him and I could never figure out how we could get it waaaay cheaper than the big green shop, they always looked a bit miffed when I told them what I was paying. He always looked after us and I know he did some good deals for my brother too. RIP
i know theres no excuse but covid the firearms laws kerfuffle helped to divide us keep us out of the field and make us more insular .
thats why i couldnt believe it had been so long since id seen him or been to a shoot but good news meat tepirita and ashvegas ore duck shoots are back on apparently and should be forever linked and in memory of chris