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The very sad fact about suicide is that more people will die by their own hand this year than will die as a direct result of Covid-19 and the road toll combined, the official number will be over 600 but the true number is likely to be over 700. Its a pity the Government could not put the same focus and funding into prevention and care for those struggling with mental health issues as they do for the road toll and Covid. I guess its a reflection of how society tries to avoid the subject.
What many do not see is the long term impact of suicide on the family and friends as there is often a collective guilt felt as many believe they should have seem something or could have helped, in most cases you could not have prevent the act, but it still leaves the feeling of guilt. It is also very difficult to grieve when there no clear cause or reason for the death, a car crash or heart attack is something people can relate to an accept, but suicide is hard for many to relate to.
There is a growing awareness of the annual toll of suicides, but it has long since frustrated many the lack of Government focus on what is the largest killer of healthy people in our society. There is a long standing stigma attached to mental health and deep seated discrimination which has lead to many suffering in isolation for fear of the repercussions and the judgement of society, we still see it today.
The new firearms legislation is clear proof of this, as there is an onus of your GP reporting the mental state of the holder of a firearms licence. This is not so much to prevent suicide but protect society from a firearms licence holder who is suffering from a mental illness, ironic that they don't do this for those who hold a drivers licence, as cars kill far more people than are killed by firearms annually, but we can't get to cynical can we.
While the legislation was most likely written with good intention, it in fact discriminates against those who hold firearms licences, many of those who hunt find solace and are able to unwind in the bush while they hunt, how many will seek help with the threat of being reported and deemed unfit to hold a licence, I know I would not feel confident about discussing any mental health issues with my GP.
Sorry for the rant but seen suicide many times and frustrated at the slowness of change and the needless loss of good people.