4 Attachment(s)
HGPRECISION. Cnc gunsmithing and services
Hi all.
I've recently quit my job as a full time machinist to start up my own business. Bad time to start up but here it goes.
I think a lot of the products we import for firearms could be made in NZ. We, as a country, produce some cutting edge products and there's no reason it can't be the same in the firearm industry
I currently make the Elude chassis for Howa Minis and rails for Tikka, Howa and Remington. I'm adapting the Elude Chassis for the Kimber 84M action. I make bottom metal for the Howa Mini, which stop the issue of the mag getting dropped because of the factory mag release being proud. I have plans to add other bottom metal including some flush mag designed for the Howa Mini.
I do bolt fluting and handle threading for all bolts, Howa included, Tikka action "sheep ports" and could do most other services
I'm also interested in doing projects for people, firearm and non- firearm related. If you have a part you want made in bulk or something you want to develop hit me up.
My shop is small and overheads are low so I'm reasonably economic.
I am based in Timaru but can ship parts.
I currently make parts for a few local firearm related companies but hope to grow that.
My website is up, but i've just started so it needs lots of tweeking.
Thanks for your time.
HG Precision
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