I recommend buying the whole thing, which at Rob's current pricing will be a bargain. The new-release stock for the Kimber 84M is stunning in appearance, finish, and performance.
Here's the thing: if a rifle doesn't shoot it could be caused by one or more of any number of things and the potentially lengthy task of finding what combination of failings are the cause begins. The cost of tracking down such faults can easily end up being more than initially paid for the rifle.
Conversely when a rifle just plain shoots from the outset you know that all the stars have aligned and everything is as it should be. This includes all the necessary contributions from the stock, among these having the necessary contact points that interface with the action present in the right places and sized appropriately, and with none of the unwanted ones present — of which there could be any number. Based on what I'm seeing with the 6.5CM here, the 84M Elude has these right and is a great platform for the Kimber. I haven't even touched on the excellent ergonomics.