Thanks for putting this up, really interesting to read. As part of the review, can you weigh the baffle sections and post up the length and weight of the assembled can with the number of baffles?
Gunworks lists basic numbers, but for some reason lists the diameter in metric and the lengths in imperial and I'm currently too lazy to convert them - and it would be nice to know length and weight for 2, 3, 4, baffles and then the brake baffle fitted as well.
Gimp noted it I think in that it's a bit of a catch up from GW to go where others in the industry have gone, but isn't it nice to be so spoiled for choice! Also, it's not like the GW product was lacking in performance or specs before this. I would have liked the ability to pull the can apart when someone knocked my rifle down a muddy bank and the rifle buried itself muzzle first as it slid and completely plugged itself - but in normal use does it make much difference if the can is modular or solid? The printed titanium cans are one piece as an example.