This morning saw the trigger guard settled into place and then the magazine cut off plate was also fitted with the appropriate wood removed to allow it to operate. Slow and methodical with a great...
Liked On: 28-09-2023, 12:04 PM
With the B/A tight into the inlet the unit can be turned over in the vise and the TG sat in between the fixing ears and lined up with the center mark on the underside of the fore stock and fine...
Liked On: 28-09-2023, 12:04 PM
With the spare action inlet down to depth it was time to sit the actual B/A in the wood as far as it would go and mark the barrel channel then start the inlet with a wide flat chisel ...
Liked On: 28-09-2023, 12:04 PM
I tweaked the die length this morning to make the neck slightly longer This 9.5x62R case is remarkably similar to the 303 Brit Will feed and extract like a dream 228259
Liked On: 23-09-2023, 04:21 PM ( ...
Liked On: 20-09-2023, 11:03 PM
PPU is a bit of a hidden gem if you ask me. Super consistent weights and size. And being perceived as uncool people will pretty much give you once fired brass. Can't see the point of paying 300...
Liked On: 15-09-2023, 04:44 PM
Picked up my final project from Alden Carr this morning, my long awaited ‘Remchester’ .358 Win. Metalwork was done by him, with the stock built and checkered by myself. Douglas premium barrel #3...
Liked On: 12-09-2023, 05:45 PM
A couple of recent add on’s to the collection 1st up my rolling block 40-65 I have wanted a 40-65 for a fair while (45-70 necked down to.408) To add to the collection of long range black powder...
Liked On: 12-09-2023, 05:44 PM
Ah lovely alright. Maybe we should start a win mod 70 post. Model 70 featherweight controlled round feed in 300wsm 227821 227822
Liked On: 12-09-2023, 05:44 PM
Have been waiting for a few parts to arrive before finally puting this together and posting a few pics before load development. Push feed model 70 Winchester Featherweight in 308win. I have wanted...
Liked On: 12-09-2023, 05:44 PM
Oh so you are just a standard gun nut then, I thought I might be different haha
Liked On: 11-09-2023, 06:59 PM
Hey team, So I finally managed a sub moa group. 233018 A bit of back story, it's been over a year of shooting at least one competition a month at the local deerstalkers (having never shot rifle...
Liked On: 11-09-2023, 12:18 PM
338 lap awsm, rocking minox scope - can't wait to try some new hand load Sent from my SM-F926B using Tapatalk
Liked On: 10-09-2023, 06:14 PM
Well spring comes around in about a month so the winter project better finish up. Restored a 1961 Winchester Model 88 .243. Before. Stock was quite banged up, action was rough, trigger felt like...
Liked On: 02-09-2023, 10:50 PM
NZSRA are holding their National Champs this year in the South Island over Labour Weekend. ...
Liked On: 02-09-2023, 10:31 PM