Here is the barrel being chambered in lathe 104224 This is the completed barrel machined to fit down the 12g barrel. 104225 Close up of chamber end. 104226 Barrel fitted into 12g.
Liked On: 16-11-2023, 05:10 PM
My first little rifle. Thanks to Viper for selling it to me. A wonderful thing 237282
Liked On: 13-11-2023, 07:41 PM
Well the fluro green and skulls are now gone, and i must say, It's hard to believe it's the same rifle.... 237253 237254 237255 237256
Liked On: 13-11-2023, 07:41 PM
I'm sure good old Stevie68 will still snap it up.
Liked On: 09-11-2023, 09:19 PM
The chance of this thing ever being perfect is zilch. So focussing and hand wringing on the most unlikely things that could happen is totally futile. To be useful this thread should be focussed...
Liked On: 09-11-2023, 09:15 PM
I'm sure that this register is unique in history, and won't be used to enable confiscation.
Liked On: 07-11-2023, 12:42 PM
Well no, my state of the art cutters are made from T C tipped saw blades and as I`m hand cranking slowly through the barrel with my top of the range C N C set up there`s no wear on the cutter. My...
Liked On: 06-11-2023, 09:17 PM
Leaving them loose isn't the greatest idea, they unscrew slowly due to recoil. This one shot out of a perazzi? being used by someone used to extended chokes. Threads amazingly undamaged in the...
Liked On: 05-11-2023, 04:31 PM
This is the result of poor storage for a gun with screw-in chokes. This was a local authority Animal Control gun that was carried by someone who never cleaned it . The choke had never been removed ,...
Liked On: 05-11-2023, 04:30 PM
At the back of the lathe is the setup for rifling register of the six groves, a bracket with a arm is bolted in place and the arm has a pin that locates and locks in a round disc with the evenly...
Liked On: 03-11-2023, 11:47 AM
OK OK, Here`s a close up and personal look at the rifling system, first pic is the rear end where the cutter is pulled through the barrel. You can see the sine bar and slider assembly and the crank...
Liked On: 03-11-2023, 11:47 AM
I suppose with the right set up they could be used, but I think they are hardened so no good for cut rifling and the time it takes I don`t need to practice. Maybe after I wear out the Sharps barrel...
Liked On: 03-11-2023, 11:46 AM
USE IT.....beautiful guns and they still work just as well if not better than flash jobbies. I even use lighter than 34hrm loads of smaller than #2 steel loads through mine....
Liked On: 03-11-2023, 08:48 AM
Correct, I transferred ownership of a couple rifles today and made a point of asking as I had just read this thread, the authority will contact the new owner if nothing is confirmed within 30 days. I...
Liked On: 01-11-2023, 07:46 PM
Got out for a quick bush hunt Saturday evening in the southern Ruahines. Left the truck at 5pm dropped down a gully up the other side took 15min going quick. Started seeeing fresh sign slowed right...
Liked On: 01-11-2023, 01:03 PM