i have to love the home handyman who works on modern car electrics. had a young fella turn up with the engine management unit he had tried to re-chip himself. circuit print torn off the pcb etc....
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 07:51 PM
I'm from the days of twin carb Mini Coopers, MG's (the real ones...not the Chinese ones), big old Wolseley 6/99 and 6/110, etc. No sweat to clean and tune twin carbs. But try and find some one...
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 07:50 PM
Well that's just plain tragic, I'm guessing no diagnosis port to get an error code.
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 07:49 PM
I feel for you on this l! When a lot younger and dumber I had a Mk2 Zody over a pit that had 2” of water in the bottom of it, thought the rear of the gearbox was just a cover of some sort so undid...
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 07:48 PM
yea we usually get the campervan and bus owners rolling in 2 weeks befor xmas "my camper has failed its warrant heres a list 5 times longer than the ten commandments i need it fixed before the 20th"...
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 07:46 PM
Not all mechanics are good either heck there's some useless mechanics about in all sizes of out fits these days who can't diagnose simple problems.
Liked On: 15-12-2024, 09:29 PM
Take note of the line that states... The boy shot several possums, but only after Peters had checked and confirmed the target with a hand-held monocular. He did not do this when the fatal shot...
Liked On: 10-12-2024, 07:44 AM
Having "operated" (basically Ive been the only person brave or stupid enough to put out a schedule of events) the old NRA range here for nearly 10 years now after having been a hunter for 50 plus...
Liked On: 07-12-2024, 02:02 PM
Police do not require a FAL to use firearms in the course of their duties. Neither do military personel. If unlicensed, they are unable to access or use them outside of their job same as any other...
Liked On: 29-11-2024, 09:47 PM
"I understand it is an offence to provide information to the Police for inclusion in the Registry, knowing the information to be false or misleading in a material respect (Arms Act 1983, section...
Liked On: 29-11-2024, 09:47 PM
"The allegations were initially investigated by the police, who concluded the officer had not committed any criminal offences. Police accepted the officer’s explanation that he used third-party...
Liked On: 29-11-2024, 09:46 PM
bitter pill for me to swallow after the bully boy tactics me and my family endured while renewing my FAL , not having committed any offense at all ......ever and a cop accesses the register steals...
Liked On: 29-11-2024, 09:45 PM
There HAS to be something missing in this story. Deliberatly perverting the use and purpose of the registry by using a false name means he is clearly not "fit and proper" (disgusting term) to hold...
Liked On: 29-11-2024, 09:43 PM
I can't believe anyone buys that excuse "I did it so my wife didn't find out" His wife shouldn't be able to access his information on the system anyhow so thats just some lame excuse he's made up...
Liked On: 29-11-2024, 09:43 PM
Shit, that’s disgusting at multiple levels. The cover up by the cops the most concerning aspect. Unlawful use of police data systems alone should be grounds for dismal immediately. The excuse that...
Liked On: 29-11-2024, 09:40 PM