We farewelled Chaz at his memorial service in Dunedin today (what would have been his 77th birthday). It was a large turnout (over 400) with representatives of all the clubs and organisations he was...
Liked On: Yesterday, 07:28 AM
‘Brothers in Arms’ from the bottom Winchester 1885 in 220 Swift, Dakota M10 in 257 Robert's, Ruger No1 in 257 Robert’s and Dakota M10 .222. 271270
Liked On: 26-03-2025, 08:38 PM
Regardless of if aspiring /incumbent polis agree with our POV or not its simply not likely to get them reelected or up the party ladder if it be known they agree which to them is the sole focus of...
Liked On: 24-03-2025, 09:16 PM
You make the world no safer by taking a firearm from an individual who was never going to use it illegally (or stupidly) in the first place.
Liked On: 24-03-2025, 09:13 PM
They know they're lying, We know they're lying, They know that we know they're lying...
Liked On: 24-03-2025, 09:07 PM
The man is an academic ,a lot ,but not all ,of whom seem to live in ivory towers. Furthermore he is immersed the the word of law -hmmmmmm going on what Ive read recently theyve had more than a few...
Liked On: 24-03-2025, 09:07 PM
Now where did we put that “Fuck me dead” emoji?
Liked On: 24-03-2025, 09:05 PM
And Australia clearly has lower gun crime rates than NZ showing thier system works....Oh wait ...its much worse thasn ours you say...well'll be buggered - Maybe the Aussie system doesn't work...
Liked On: 24-03-2025, 09:04 PM
Right... This thread has got the fudds out. So how long till you're beloved(insert deerstalking rifle) is a "sniper rifle"? I'll fight tooth and nail for anyone to own and use anything with...
Liked On: 21-03-2025, 10:13 PM
heres what I propose, I dont only want to own guns for hunting, hell i don't consider 50 bmg to be a sporting cartridge but i absolutelty believe that i should be able to own one if i wanted, it...
Liked On: 21-03-2025, 10:12 PM
My Uncle was a cop. My best man was a cop. My partner was a cop. I've been on ridealongs, drunk in station bars and hunted with cops. I luved with cops in London, and I've walked around with my...
Liked On: 21-03-2025, 10:10 PM
Yes this whole "military vs sporting" is stupid emotive stuff however, "Service Rifle" is a style of match which can be shot with anything you choose! I would say that apart from some neutered SLRs...
Liked On: 21-03-2025, 10:09 PM
Micky, shooting oneself in the foot is a whole lot more common on NZ police ranges and Pistol NZ ranges (as opposed to service rifle comps), yet they don't seem to be the target of the latest round...
Liked On: 21-03-2025, 09:58 PM
I realise this meme is based on the American experience, but the theme travels very well. https://ifunny.co/picture/illustrated-guide-to-gun-control-will-you-ceutinue-a-reasenable-gLRiaCHM8 ...
Liked On: 21-03-2025, 09:54 PM
Sadly the Government argues using ‘may’ ‘possible’ and ‘might’ in their argument, just look at the WA authorities justification for banning those calibers.
Liked On: 21-03-2025, 09:52 PM