I was of the understanding it was 1 license, 1 rifle.
Liked On: 24-04-2022, 11:09 PM
https://i.ibb.co/QCX2n5Z/IMG-6613.jpg (https://ibb.co/8dXW2hJ) upload images (https://imgbb.com/)
Liked On: 02-03-2022, 08:35 PM
Ive been faffing around with a bunch of Lee Enfields of late, returning the best of them to full wood and parting out others etc. Its been a while since I did any work on these old girls and I wanted...
Liked On: 29-08-2021, 12:56 AM
I'd love to pick up a quality crossbow someday. I reckon they'd be super neat, and definitely provide more of a challenge than a rifle. Lets face it - compound bows aren't 'real' bows either, so...
Liked On: 09-12-2019, 08:15 PM
In a 7-08 Rem 140gr Partition 48gr gave 2862fps in a Model 7 with 18" barrel that was pretty much max in my rifle.
Liked On: 14-06-2018, 08:33 PM
Have you been doing some annealing? Looks like the shoulder may have been annealed and softened?
Liked On: 17-04-2018, 06:47 PM
I used to always spin fish the marewhenua when I was a kid (olds live at livingstone, still do) got some pretty decent fish out of it at times, some good fishing between the pumphouse and camp.
Liked On: 30-03-2018, 06:08 PM
Did you check the rifling twist? That barrel might be 244 Remington :-) I mean it might like short bullets. Try the light weight end of the 6 mm range, like a 68 gr or 75 gr flat base hollow point....
Liked On: 16-07-2015, 08:38 PM
It sucks that work politics affect your personal life
Liked On: 12-07-2015, 07:17 PM
Hi again. My poor old 1943 LE finally made its way home. Having looked at previous hints, I have taken some shots of the scope mounts and the rail. I cannot find any name on the mounts. There is no...
Liked On: 02-07-2015, 10:39 AM
I picked that up the other day. My Grandfather did some work up there and it was his book.
Liked On: 12-07-2014, 09:23 AM
Picked up my camera over the weekend. Been out for 2 months and got 145 clips of mostly young Fallow. A few pigs popped up too. Here is a sample:...
Liked On: 09-09-2012, 07:40 PM