219774 Lewis pass old boy, 13 points if you count the nubs. Coronets hard down on the skull and teeth were falling out in lower jaw, very average condition for early roar
Liked On: 28-03-2023, 04:37 PM
Greetings All. Normal service has resumed on the Kuri hill track. Taihape Road from HB to Castle Rocks Road has numerous washouts, all well signposted. Castle Rocks Road and Lakes Road are fine with...
Liked On: 28-03-2023, 04:35 PM
Greetings All, O joy. Just logged on to the Hastings District Council to find that the Taihape Road is OPEN. A quick check on the DoC website shows the Lakes Road carpark is also open. Mid week...
Liked On: 25-03-2023, 09:20 AM
In the ruahines today,there was no roaring but I did get some lazy replys from a stag from few roars I did while sitting down to lunch.got into a position and got my boy to stay back and roar while I...
Liked On: 24-03-2023, 09:07 PM
216822216823216824 a couple of dogs from last roar
Liked On: 04-03-2023, 08:59 AM
Looks like Mountain beech die-back, which is a natural phenomenon. An issue for hunters in that deer are apparently responsible for inhibiting recruitment of replacements......from memory Sean...
Liked On: 28-01-2023, 02:09 PM
or as has been said..put out paper plate..milk jug and shoot it..then increase range and try again...increase range and try again...when you cant consistantly hit it anymore with first shot...well...
Liked On: 24-01-2023, 09:48 AM
Noticed the below when walking out. Hillside was covered in dead trees. Any thoughts on what this? 214746
Liked On: 24-01-2023, 09:46 AM
Don't get hung up about it. It is your decision, and your conscience that will dictate whether you pull the trigger or not. I have shot animals that, in hind sight, I perhaps should have left and...
Liked On: 18-01-2023, 05:22 PM
So far yes they do keep me dry.
Liked On: 03-01-2023, 08:50 PM
Salewa Rapace for me, best boot I have owned by far
Liked On: 30-12-2022, 12:22 PM
Rain, river and a few deer Arrived near Taihape for a few days of hunting and fishing while my partner went riding. The first night saw a few temping deer about 600metres across the river from...
Liked On: 27-11-2022, 07:27 AM
I’m pretty hesitant these days taking shots on animals in obvious wind. If it’s calm enough then i’ll stretch the legs but if there’s a decent breeze or ‘wind’ then I reel in my expectations. Let...
Liked On: 08-10-2022, 02:27 PM
I went for a hunt in the rain yesterday. Started at 4pm in the drizzle and ended up being poured on from 7pm to 9pm. But it didn't dampen my spirits. After about an our of hunting a finally spied...
Liked On: 02-10-2022, 05:05 PM
A few from the weekend. 206687 206688 206689 206690
Liked On: 01-10-2022, 07:58 AM