I was just about to say the same about the beer. Makes me shudder when I see pictures of guys reloading with a beer on the bench.
Liked On: 28-01-2025, 10:21 AM
Load 1 thing at a time. Keep the powder bottle next to the scales and empty it all back into the bottle as soon as you're finished the batch.
Liked On: 28-01-2025, 10:20 AM
Accidentally loaded 162 yesterday rather than 150 didn’t notice until I picked up the brass I’d blown 3 from 5 primers, the kicker was my eyes were on the chrono as I was validating a load before...
Liked On: 28-01-2025, 10:20 AM
There are many of us with membership to your club.
Liked On: 28-01-2025, 09:42 AM
Yip taking the barrel off definitely will make it lighter
Liked On: 04-12-2024, 08:30 AM
Took the rifle for another walk this weekend. I found some potential spots to keep in mind for future such missions but unfortunately no deer to be seen on this one. Something for your amusement,...
Liked On: 03-12-2024, 05:24 PM
While catastrophic failures are front and centre today, here is one of a Hilux vs Antelope (Kudu) in South Africa. Spoiler... it ends in a draw. ...
Liked On: 08-10-2024, 10:31 AM
Been there this year and its bloody difficult in unknown terrain, but best thing to do is stop have a drink maybe a bite to eat and try to work out where you went wrong.
Liked On: 29-09-2024, 09:51 AM
40mm Not Chinese, but I've had nothing but good experience with Taiwanese Vertex (be aware I think there are cheaper chinese copies around also). That includes a 5" anglock mill vise, semi-universal...
Liked On: 22-09-2024, 11:34 AM
Yep I brought one recently very very cheap at a gun show. It had been painted with what looked like beige house paint. I think the person that had it was embarrassed to have it, it was so ugly....
Liked On: 22-09-2024, 10:38 AM
done, now just need to get me a white permanent marker
Liked On: 17-09-2024, 07:09 PM
Shelley is the name and knife making is the game. Been away due to divorce, new home, and building a new forge, but I’m back and keen to help-I fix, sharpen and reprofile knives (all sorts)...
Liked On: 26-08-2024, 03:26 PM
If I sold something cheap on here on the story it was for a new young hunter and then turned up on trade me a week later for profit - never again and they would be named and shamed - okay not...
Liked On: 24-08-2024, 06:29 PM
Buying something for $X and selling it for $X+$ is as old as civilisation itself. It's the basis of capitalism and it could be argued that without this entrepreneurial spirit, this country would be a...
Liked On: 24-08-2024, 06:28 PM
Got a bunch of gear in a trade, I know shotgun stuff isn't worth much but a rough idea before I list it in the buy sell would be good All 12g Mec loader and bits and pieces. Approx 600 new...
Liked On: 23-08-2024, 12:15 PM