You are welcome, Nice job. I doubt it looked that good when new. Any firearm with a family connection is a real treasure. Neither of my grandfathers or my father ever owned a firearm of any type...
Liked On: 18-02-2022, 06:28 AM
My recently-deceased clubmate and friend John Hastie asked me to do this little project for his grandsons and I was more than happy to do, both because John was a great guy and he was super generous...
Liked On: 18-02-2022, 06:27 AM
I'm gonna go thru all my brass and separate out the Norma I have and put it in the safe with my guns lol
Liked On: 17-02-2022, 08:17 PM
Welcome lanky one.
Liked On: 17-02-2022, 08:13 PM
Well if the notice on the firearms section on the NZ Police site is accurate then I've got 12 months to be patient :oh noes: haha
Liked On: 17-02-2022, 05:20 PM
CBH Australia here are some pics that may interest you . Dropped our Deer,Goat & Pig carcasses l had prepped & sitting in the Bach Chiller from the hunt off & am giving the "Salami God Fathers "...
Liked On: 17-02-2022, 05:19 PM
CBH Australia Yep she will be a big one ,we just finished one with 6 families as the Flood /Cyclone fronts bore down on us ,over 70kg of Salami alone ,we are heading over on the way home & helping...
Liked On: 17-02-2022, 05:18 PM
I love shooting my 1900 Oberndorf, 1916 m96 and my ‘41 Husqvarna m38; all in unmolested state. They are quality rifles. Having just read Beevor’s ‘Arnhem, the Battle for the Bridges, 1944’ I noted...
Liked On: 17-02-2022, 08:22 AM
Planned obsolesence is all too common in this 'consumable' era. Not only are perfectly good items that have been in production for a couple of years (in China) suddenly phased out in favour of the...
Liked On: 17-02-2022, 08:22 AM
Greetings All, I have been having trouble updating my computer to Windows 11 and have just been told that my it is too old to be updated. My phone is the same. Last month I took my M38 Swedish...
Liked On: 16-02-2022, 02:01 PM
I guess thats just it, I'm not a very practical person
Liked On: 16-02-2022, 11:44 AM
Here you go Micky - very versatile hunting pooch, but above all a great mate! 190295 190296
Liked On: 16-02-2022, 09:45 AM
Thanks guys. Haha, no 40mm, I only cast the occasional line
Liked On: 16-02-2022, 09:45 AM
I've been bitten by one when I was a young fella, wading under some willows with my arms outstretched above the water and it latched onto my armpit, squealed like a girl for quite a while untill we...
Liked On: 14-02-2022, 01:46 PM
Those years of childhood escapades are unique. My grandkids stare wide-eyed when I tell them what I did. Perhaps the most daring was to climb a tree as high as possible and give the OK for your mate...
Liked On: 14-02-2022, 01:45 PM