sounds like you need to stab your laptop with the Muela revenge will be sweet then start again with the knowledge not to buy that shit again
Liked On: 05-05-2020, 10:15 PM
wild pork in a camp oven is a nice way to eat it just place the pork on green teatree sticks with the bark peeled off in the bottom of the camp oven then place the pork on top make sure the meat is...
Liked On: 05-05-2020, 04:08 PM
wild pork in a camp oven is a nice way to eat it just place the pork on green teatree sticks with the bark peeled off in the bottom of the camp oven then place the pork on top make sure the meat is...
Liked On: 05-05-2020, 04:00 PM
I have a CZ452-2E ZKM American lefthand 22 with an aftermarket Brooks trigger and a 3-9x40 Simons Prosport scope it's very accurate and can outshoot me and was looking for a 17HMR for a bit more...
Liked On: 15-04-2020, 07:17 PM
my 300WSM Tikka 959 has a 20" barrel and am getting 2980 with 178 amax using win 780 powder
Liked On: 03-04-2020, 09:02 AM
I agree not all pigs taste nice especially the big smelly bores that have been torn to pieces and stressed to the max by pig dogs before you get to finish them off. I have been lucky these last 7...
Liked On: 12-03-2020, 02:46 PM
I let the best red stag I have ever seen go on the last day of my roar trip last year.Why you ask? well I had already roared up and shot an 11 pointer that pretty well filled my meat quoter for this...
Liked On: 12-03-2020, 02:02 PM
tasty looking wall hanger Danny nice head:thumbsup:
Liked On: 12-03-2020, 07:24 AM
tasty looking wall hanger Danny nice head:thumbsup:
Liked On: 12-03-2020, 05:37 AM
I let the best red stag I have ever seen go on the last day of my roar trip last year.Why you ask? well I had already roared up and shot an 11 pointer that pretty well filled my meat quoter for this...
Liked On: 11-03-2020, 08:28 PM
I let the best red stag I have ever seen go on the last day of my roar trip last year.Why you ask? well I had already roared up and shot an 11 pointer that pretty well filled my meat quoter for this...
Liked On: 11-03-2020, 07:41 PM
I let the best red stag I have ever seen go on the last day of my roar trip last year.Why you ask? well I had already roared up and shot an 11 pointer that pretty well filled my meat quoter for this...
Liked On: 11-03-2020, 06:11 PM
I let the best red stag I have ever seen go on the last day of my roar trip last year.Why you ask? well I had already roared up and shot an 11 pointer that pretty well filled my meat quoter for this...
Liked On: 11-03-2020, 12:22 PM
I let the best red stag I have ever seen go on the last day of my roar trip last year.Why you ask? well I had already roared up and shot an 11 pointer that pretty well filled my meat quoter for this...
Liked On: 11-03-2020, 09:59 AM
I let the best red stag I have ever seen go on the last day of my roar trip last year.Why you ask? well I had already roared up and shot an 11 pointer that pretty well filled my meat quoter for this...
Liked On: 11-03-2020, 09:46 AM