Have some but haven't tried yet watching with interest. Used close up in a .25-06 went ok.
Liked On: 29-05-2024, 09:59 PM
Another vote for w760, best speeds of anything I tried. Have always wondered what hogdon superformance would do in it but couldn’t find any data for a starting point so never tried it
Liked On: 28-05-2024, 07:29 AM
Wont get enough 2213sc in the case to do anything useful with a 140gr. Even 2209/H4350 is often a compressed load with a 140gr range pill. 2208 or 2206h will be a better option.
Liked On: 27-05-2024, 06:59 PM
I had a mate who took a hot water bottle Tahr hunting with us. He used it in the Growler. That was a cold bitch of a place in the 80's. We scoffed but were secretly jealous.
Liked On: 23-05-2024, 07:28 AM
if you want cast...you want SOFT cast unless your only shooting paper or steel yes big metplate/flat front will produce shock/damage but you will want to drive it fast to achieve it. soft and fast...
Liked On: 21-05-2024, 07:18 PM
I silicone/white spirits coated my sc 'sika' top (multilayer fleece fabric) for bush hunting on wet days. Not waterproof, but it is long with a hood and neck guard that makes it bearable on the wet...
Liked On: 20-05-2024, 06:58 PM
hamishg I got a pair of varipower Binos (8-24x50 ) for the reason you listed in the OP however, they sit in the lounge and I take the 10x with me. I find the heavier pair simply did not get used. At...
Liked On: 13-05-2024, 07:08 PM
Apline 30.06 my first deer rifle purchased around 1980 which came with a Mikuko (ABC?) 4x40. Sold that rifle two years ago, still with the same scope. LOL Some people say I'm stuck in a rut......I'll...
Liked On: 09-05-2024, 07:25 AM
ya got a loose wheel nut
Liked On: 30-04-2024, 07:18 PM
XR500 shit that's not very deep aye! I remember my good old bj40 would happily be a submarine and keep going. Look foward to getting my bj45 on the road. all it needs is 12 volts to the fuel...
Liked On: 23-04-2024, 09:14 PM
222 is legal and works fine
Liked On: 23-04-2024, 07:13 PM
I've had a Zastava in 7.62x39 for about 6 months. It's killed three goats and one pig all within a 50m range which is my usual shooting distance. I have a Nikko 1-4x24 scope on top which is nice...
Liked On: 19-04-2024, 08:02 AM
Have a Howa Mini chopped to 16” with a hardie can and a red dot on top 123 gn ppu soft points at 2350fps crono’d tips over goats no problem but haven’t got on to a deer with it yet. I feel it should...
Liked On: 06-04-2024, 05:34 PM
one small plastic pill container....about the size of your thumb
Liked On: 03-04-2024, 05:08 PM
I have 3-4 small baggies with a couple different pills in each. Codine, anti histamine etc. I keep the few baggies in a small pill container. If you take the meds out of their packaging you should...
Liked On: 03-04-2024, 05:08 PM