About 40 years ago I had a big shipment of assorted rifle and pistol magazines from Triple K arrive at the Ch-Ch Postal Centre. I was busy but my dad offered to pick them up, so I gave him a signed...
Liked On: 13-03-2025, 09:19 PM
Had mine out today for its first run. Only got to do serious accuracy testing at 50m - shot 30gr V max, 45gr Critical Defense and 40gr Super X well below 1". I moved out to 100, but we had a...
Liked On: 30-12-2024, 11:07 PM
That's totally unfair to put that out there Now my blackmail images are worthless !
Liked On: 22-12-2024, 01:17 AM
After spending a bit more time at the range with load development lately, I've been through a few different targets. While they all work, I found that those which offer a more precise aim point seem...
Liked On: 19-12-2024, 10:23 PM
Untill the findings are released I think it's best not to speculate. That's for the courts to decide and sadly one person has lost their life.
Liked On: 14-12-2024, 09:31 PM
Has the same exact experience with resizing a 7 PRCW. A minute doing figure eights on 220 grit on the top of the shellholder fixed it.
Liked On: 10-12-2024, 08:40 PM
Update, finally got around to grinding out the top of the shell holder n doing some sizing / loading. While my "painter type engineering skills" will not get me a job at NASA, fuk boys that...
Liked On: 10-12-2024, 08:40 PM
There HAS to be something missing in this story. Deliberatly perverting the use and purpose of the registry by using a false name means he is clearly not "fit and proper" (disgusting term) to hold...
Liked On: 30-11-2024, 10:06 AM
You wear eye protection on your shins!!!
Liked On: 28-11-2024, 04:47 PM
My T1x loves Federal, tolerates CCI and hates Hornady...It blows out to 1.5' with Hornady. Doesn't like using bipod, but punch's single holes with a rolled up jacket on Federal.Likes one suppressor...
Liked On: 01-11-2024, 05:59 PM
I got curious about this some time ago when I noticed GC selling bulk qty of 303B Blank ammo. Wondering what use it was to anyone I guessed folk might be firing it off then reforming it to use as...
Liked On: 27-10-2024, 10:52 PM
When I was a Gunnery instructor, we had bloods taken annually and they were measured for all the nasty stuff including lead. Not once did I hear of or know about anyone whose blood exceeded the...
Liked On: 23-10-2024, 09:30 PM
Greetings All, It was range day today for a little 110 metre rifle range I frequent. I had been fiddling with my Remington VSSF in .223 and had used it recently in a 300 yard shoot. Regrettably the...
Liked On: 20-10-2024, 06:07 PM
For some reason the Dropbox link expired. Here's a new one: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/3ibu4mrttc0qek9374std/ANm1_GWw5Ty8vg851AnAQBk?rlkey=rqv28a305lg16ogop3o5q0v73&st=mmuoqlm0&dl=0
Liked On: 04-10-2024, 12:24 PM
Can't hear you from down here...
Liked On: 03-08-2024, 01:10 AM