A garden mulcher can be used to make burly
Liked On: 31-05-2024, 10:54 PM
Had a close call in next hut area upstream from Kelly Knights 25 odd years ago , nearly stepped into thin air off a ledge in a side creek using torch light , 30 ft drop onto rocks , was a long cold...
Liked On: 09-06-2023, 12:55 PM
i have the 2.7 2TRFE in a n70 dualcab , brilliant motor , mines got 205k on the clock runs perfect , can be thirsty 11 l per 100 km town running , 9 on a trip, the diesel is more economical but...
Liked On: 05-07-2022, 09:02 PM
I had a 223 richochet of a Steers head , after it settled down managed to clean kill it , boy were the Steaks tough , adrenalin wrecks meat .
Liked On: 02-12-2021, 08:00 AM
can recommend Manson to Kuripapango via the river , its an interesting hike , the track was marked with ribbons in the difficult places , plenty of trout also , summer only tho. We walked in from K...
Liked On: 29-11-2021, 05:30 AM
my Black Lab Weimaraner cross was a great dog , good on anything and had a better nose than my lab , she would find ducks the Lab missed , climb hedges to retrieve , find indicate / Deer , great...
Liked On: 28-10-2021, 06:57 PM
For more hunting start at Tangagrakau near Tahora ....
Liked On: 12-06-2021, 04:17 PM
you have to rely on the honesty of the butcher ....most are ....years ago I built 2 mobile chillers to leave on farms in South Taranaki , here in OZ no meat is allowed to leave farm and there are...
Liked On: 15-05-2021, 09:41 PM
you have to rely on the honesty of the butcher , most are ..................!!!!?????
Liked On: 15-05-2021, 09:41 PM
inspirational ..time flys , you mentioned the Pari , did you ever explore the "underground" whilst in that area ..?
Liked On: 10-03-2021, 08:47 PM
you forgot to add that the straight pipe unbaffled sound they put out tells everyone.."hey look at me I've just payed 30 plus grand for 70 hp"....
Liked On: 17-10-2020, 10:33 AM
you forgot to add that the straight pipe unbaffled sound they put out tells everyone.."hey look at me I've just payed 30 plus grand for 70 hp"....
Liked On: 16-10-2020, 08:12 PM
you forgot to add that the straight pipe unbaffled sound they put out tells everyone.."hey look at me I've just payed 30 plus grand for 70 hp"....
Liked On: 16-10-2020, 08:05 PM
you forgot to add that the straight pipe unbaffled sound they put out tells everyone.."hey look at me I've just payed 30 plus grand for 70 hp"....
Liked On: 16-10-2020, 06:57 PM
you forgot to add that the straight pipe unbaffled sound they put out tells everyone.."hey look at me I've just payed 30 plus grand for 70 hp"....
Liked On: 16-10-2020, 06:54 PM