What a load of weasel piss This "police force" couldn't clear out a bunch of smelly tinfoil hats off the lawn of parliament, Couldn't secure a database in Auckland instead leaving out a laundry...
Liked On: 12-09-2022, 07:37 PM
we used to do the same as kids , but had to stop (ohhh muuum ?!!?) after a few to many shrapnel injuries (only small cuts, no lost limbs that I can remember)
Liked On: 07-09-2022, 04:20 PM
Not only should they not expect to be able to charge their EV, but when visiting people with conventional vehicles they should park around the corner to avoid giving offense! They should also never...
Liked On: 29-08-2022, 08:13 PM
I had the Tatonka Bison for a few years, great harness but I found it was just a bit too heavy. Since tried an Osprey Aether and haven’t looked back, great harness, lighter pack and the lifetime...
Liked On: 20-08-2022, 10:14 PM
Been following this conversation and others and am in two minds about it all. For new shooters and reloaders it sucks and ammunition availability is now a very large consideration when choosing your...
Liked On: 05-08-2022, 07:53 PM
They are regulated, you need a special permit to own fully automatics!!! :D I agree with your point, and I don't think the US 2nd amendment would have been meant to be understood the way it has...
Liked On: 31-05-2022, 07:38 PM
The public perspective is what the "gov" tell the msm to say it is
Liked On: 31-05-2022, 07:08 PM
I intend to vote for a party other than Labour.
Liked On: 31-05-2022, 07:06 PM
Creedmoors have been around since 2007 haven't they? I would think the 6mm CM will be better on throats for a start.
Liked On: 18-05-2022, 07:11 PM