He does so well at being understated and just down to earth, loved the comments about too much food and catching a not-bluecod
Liked On: 23-12-2024, 04:25 PM
My wife and I are coming to Christchurch in April and wanting to hunt. We are really interested in tahr hunting, and would like to chase red stag if we have time. I've applied for my firearm...
Liked On: 22-12-2024, 11:35 PM
Currently laid up with a bung ankle so plenty of time to have a play in the kitchen. Also scored a cheap NZ made cast iron pan so spent the day seasoning that up. Our local Pak n Save have started...
Liked On: 22-12-2024, 09:38 PM
And the prize goes to @ Missalot I've done the cookie cutter on the case mouth but not the deprimer through the top That takes real skill
Liked On: 21-12-2024, 09:48 PM
Sitting here feeling a little sorry for myself… chipping away sizing some 223 brass. 50 odd cases in thinking I was doing pretty well. Then managed to leave my finger on top of the brass case as I...
Liked On: 21-12-2024, 09:47 PM
Terikihi fillets caught in Doubtful Sound and fried up in Upper Caples hut. 265413
Liked On: 21-12-2024, 09:43 PM
264657 Someone's pretty stoked with their first rainbow. Done and dusted in 5 casts for Him. I had to land it at the end for the lad and just aswell it did as I got it to the rocks it spat...
Liked On: 21-12-2024, 01:22 PM
A couple today on the spinner. 264738 80 for the year spinning. 264739
Liked On: 21-12-2024, 01:22 PM
Nice Brown and Rainbow just prior to turning my 4 piece into a 5:oh noes: 265240 265241
Liked On: 21-12-2024, 01:22 PM
steaks marinated In any googleable honey soy marinade, add a spoonful of cherry jam for that full flavour kick.265371
Liked On: 20-12-2024, 09:40 PM
Cham in the South Westland rain this week. 265342
Liked On: 20-12-2024, 06:25 PM
Key words,responsibly and Nuisance.Don't draw attention to yourself.
Liked On: 18-12-2024, 11:45 PM
Well since my last post I've shot 5 deer with the kayuga pilot cuts and can't complain really. A mixture of good and bad blood trails . But that's standard for bow shot deer . Good penatration and...
Liked On: 17-12-2024, 09:48 PM
holy moly....that'd put a horn on a jellyfish :melt::drool:
Liked On: 17-12-2024, 09:02 PM
Hah. I was just about to type "I want that" and then saw your NOT FOR SALE notice at the bottom. :)
Liked On: 17-12-2024, 09:01 PM