No problem. For thin skins like rabbit a box of cheap black tea is great and easy. Can tan a thin non-greasy hide in days if you keep at it. Just because the thread came up again. I came across a...
Liked On: 22-11-2023, 08:40 PM
with luck he will chime in and let us all know where these 60 hinds are..better be quick as due to start fawning any day now.
Liked On: 22-11-2023, 07:36 PM
Have done both bark/vegetable and brain tanning, hair on and off. Mostly do bark tanning since I like it as a "hard" leather rather than a fluffy shammy type leather. Both are good with their own...
Liked On: 22-11-2023, 09:58 AM
HAVE you considered brain tanning your skin , for more info try utube
Liked On: 22-11-2023, 09:53 AM
Baked gurnard, blue cod and a Ceviche from a kahawai, all caught of the kayak no more than 3kms from home. Paired with fresh broad beans from the garden and potatoes salad. Summer...
Liked On: 21-11-2023, 07:59 PM
Found a road kill ferret for the swamp comp,whipped out my knife to cut the tail off ,it was a bit far gone so it stayed on the road.....fuck my hands stunk!
Liked On: 19-11-2023, 10:25 PM
Dont worry Nathan,if you dont make a mistake.You dont learn anything.Theres no manual out on the hills how to hunt.Enjoy yr veni and more important,you son had a great time.
Liked On: 19-11-2023, 10:24 PM
If you never make mistakes, you never learn.
Liked On: 19-11-2023, 10:23 PM
that sounds like half of the fallow I have shot over the last 10 years....dont know what it is about them...they just dont do what they supposed to do after I squeaze off the shot LOL.
Liked On: 19-11-2023, 10:23 PM
Not everything drops like a stone when you shoot it - but it bloody helps when it does !! 237779
Liked On: 19-11-2023, 10:23 PM
I buggered my knee on my last hunt ( walked into a bog in the dark carrying a fallow buck ) so had to hatch another plan from the usual haunts. Teacher only day so Charlie and i set off on the quad...
Liked On: 19-11-2023, 10:15 AM
Well the chicken run vege garden is going according to plan. This is 8 weeks of growth! 237695
Liked On: 17-11-2023, 06:53 PM
Part 2 of 2: Very well abused MaxTrax - the stories these boards could tell - lifesavers, essential, must-haves: 237686 Axe - priceless well it comes to clearing treefall. I also carry a...
Liked On: 17-11-2023, 06:47 PM
Part 3 of 2: Recovery after an arduous recovery is important. Remember to stay hydrated, but strictly only once you pull up at the end of the day: 237691 :beer:
Liked On: 17-11-2023, 06:47 PM
My rig is well used and gets into a spot of bother on a regular basis (over confident driver, according to the co-pilotess). It has the following accessories: Part 1 of 2: Hi-Lift jack chained...
Liked On: 17-11-2023, 06:44 PM