Keen to know what’s required from your wife as a practising GP what her obligations are when she has a patient whom she considers unfit to drive due to age, medication, injuries etc. Does she make...
Liked On: 15-09-2022, 03:02 PM
I have experience gained from working in Canada, a country declared TB free. I used to export CSL ( Australia ) Tuberculin to the USA for skin testing Elk and was involved when domestic Elk in...
Liked On: 10-09-2022, 04:49 PM
My studied opinion is that had the hundreds of millions of dollars spent by DoC, AHB and regional councils on 1080 poison operations been invested EXPERTLY on ground based trapping ong with timely...
Liked On: 10-09-2022, 04:47 PM
It's a blatant move to secure access for commercial gain. If morons dumping or being general morons is the reason for the gate then access would have been cut off years ago. When it happens in...
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 10:43 AM
nope..the KISS method......using .223 so 55grn is where its at....if you want to poke 80grns buy a 243 LOL.
Liked On: 24-06-2022, 04:16 PM
You are right with this "Imagine a paper road going straight past ya house with your wife and young family home alone while all sorts of meatheads go back and forwards all hours of the day." And we...
Liked On: 04-06-2022, 03:58 PM
I understand both sides of the argument. But a road is a road is a road. Some are formed, some are unformed. Those roads were surveyed in somewhere between 1880 and 1910. All subsequent land Titles...
Liked On: 04-06-2022, 03:56 PM
Small Arms International in Great South Road, a well-established business. Go in there and examine the rifle and talk to the staff. SAI have considerable experience in collectable firearms.
Liked On: 24-05-2022, 12:00 PM
194360 I noticed that the photo I attached was no longer available so here it is again. mucko
Liked On: 10-04-2022, 07:18 AM
Why the Antagonism ? Cant we just take the show for what it is and enjoy it . It is by far the best NZ hunting/outdoor production going.
Liked On: 15-02-2022, 10:01 PM
Creedmoor all the way no need for a brick chucker .308. Sent from my CPH1903 using Tapatalk
Liked On: 01-11-2021, 11:12 AM
My experience would be “piss off your not welcome” scared you might take photos
Liked On: 12-10-2021, 07:39 AM
I dont doubt one bit that for the most part they have done a great job, but like other organizations within the hunting space (ie: NZDA) there is a certain faction that seem to think that they are...
Liked On: 25-04-2021, 03:01 PM
I am anti 'freedom camping laws' I like camping when and where I feel like it. I like my freedom. I reckon the current laws regarding littering and being a pig just need to have huge...
Liked On: 16-04-2021, 10:16 AM
Na that's already fubar nothing for him to do there.
Liked On: 16-04-2021, 10:14 AM