very true dont need fancy gay shit to get the job done
Liked On: 24-03-2025, 07:09 PM
You are being deliberately obtuse. I find it's ironic your clearly acting the hard man but you are scared of hunting challenging terrain and think those that do are anxious the whole time. I...
Liked On: 20-03-2025, 07:19 AM
I know some bloody good outdoors people who have needed to push the button. One had the ridge he was walking on collapse underneath him. The other got swept out to sea in his Kayak when a combination...
Liked On: 20-03-2025, 07:18 AM
It was a true story I wasn't responding to you I was warning others against the stupidity of your statement
Liked On: 20-03-2025, 07:17 AM
Not getting lost isn't going to help you when you are at the bottom of cliff with a massive flap of your scalp torn off and both your shoulders dislocated. It would also be pretty bloody useful...
Liked On: 20-03-2025, 07:16 AM
If its any help we have a range of carbon fibre bipods under development that will be in the harris bipod price range. Exceptional quality for the price.
Liked On: 18-03-2025, 02:49 PM
What’s inflammatory about that comment? I think he was spot on.
Liked On: 16-02-2025, 12:02 PM
Id say its more about knowing your rights. Heading down a pretty shitty street if just let them do as they please. Laws apply to the police as well.....
Liked On: 05-01-2025, 12:50 PM
Yeah, and merely having a license doesn't give them that right Bullshit.
Liked On: 05-01-2025, 12:50 PM
I see Counties Manukau tops the list for shootings, yet it does not have a very high percentage of licensed firearms owners. The area does have a very high percentage of unmentionables, however.
Liked On: 05-01-2025, 12:49 PM
Your car is for all intents and purposes the same as your house - they cannot search it without a warrant unless they suspect a reasonably serious crime has been committed, not a speeding ticket or...
Liked On: 05-01-2025, 12:48 PM
Well. If you decide to enter someone's property with intent to steal,then what follows may not be predictable or pleasant Those pigs were not asking to be stolen,some community members don't...
Liked On: 17-12-2024, 11:00 AM
A pretty grim reminder of what poaching can entail After coursing the community groups it seems he had recently been harassed by some mobsters known for poaching his animals and staunching him...
Liked On: 17-12-2024, 10:56 AM
The newshub report from 7 years ago (on YouTube) will go some way to demonstrate that this is a long standing issue and the police have done nothing after all his reports. Shooting someone is never...
Liked On: 17-12-2024, 10:54 AM
The book will get thrown at the guy that pulled the trigger, the point that never gets made is how many calls to the authorities the farmer made in the years leading up to this to try to get the...
Liked On: 17-12-2024, 10:54 AM