Set a couple of days aside and hit the canals after the Toby shoot.
Liked On: 22-09-2018, 10:41 AM
Think there is not really the worry about the numbers that need culling more the worry that we don't trust these buggers that they will stop! Time and again they have said one thing and then gone and...
Liked On: 22-09-2018, 03:34 AM
95319 Found this ripper meme. Sums it up perfectly
Liked On: 22-09-2018, 03:30 AM
People have to speak up and send an email or letter asap. You can't complain about lack of game animals in the next few years if you don't speak up now. The greens have made it clear that they...
Liked On: 22-09-2018, 03:30 AM
veitnamcam Typos and perfect grammar are irrelevant as long as we're respectful and polite. I think that's the main point. If someone is a proud snob picking on others' grammar THEY have the...
Liked On: 22-09-2018, 02:56 AM
Done let's show the politicians we are not a divided and toothless group
Liked On: 21-09-2018, 09:35 PM
done. more than happy to invest in the future of our public land.... fuk off greenies
Liked On: 21-09-2018, 01:06 PM
An injunction if Sage doesn't turn back and consult.
Liked On: 21-09-2018, 11:15 AM
Done, never hunted thar but would like to some day.
Liked On: 21-09-2018, 11:14 AM
The sad fact of the matter is the hunter democratic are generally not littericy scholars myself included,my typing generally confuses spell check, I use punctuation badly if at all,Even I struggle to...
Liked On: 21-09-2018, 09:38 AM
First the cows and anti cockies, then the tahr, now the fish....what next. Good to see they've opened the door for another 500 immigrants(non-natives). Wasting all this money doing it. How about...
Liked On: 20-09-2018, 02:22 PM
Because we have a radical greeny in power who thinks she can do as she pleases and bugger what anybody else thinks.
Liked On: 20-09-2018, 02:22 PM
Buerocracy gone mad. For fuck sake just leave shit alone, you can't unbreak an egg and you certainly can't unbeat the bugger. We are known the world over for our wonderful trout fishing and...
Liked On: 20-09-2018, 02:22 PM
So don't mention it then. Makes us all look like dicks.
Liked On: 20-09-2018, 11:19 AM
I have sent several emails and a letter so far. The point is this ( in my opinion ). If this goes ahead and it will be detrimental for everyone make no mistake - What do you think the greenie slag...
Liked On: 20-09-2018, 10:29 AM