Is that Taihape Helicopters Thinking about a trip in late March but will probably walk into Howletts via Tarn biv from Kashmir Road, out past longview, if I can find a mate keen to follow. You...
Liked On: 20-03-2022, 05:25 PM
Curious - I'm not sure this is the right way to look at the question; there are plenty of people running and going to the gym etc who are actively stressing their joints (creating wear and tare etc -...
Liked On: 18-03-2022, 11:55 AM
Interesting you don't use the hand loops? They take a huge amount of strain off your hands and wrists. The trick is to put your hands through the loop from the bottom and then hold the strap against...
Liked On: 18-03-2022, 08:37 AM
Might need to lay off the glass pipe for a bit there buddy….[emoji2955][emoji848] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liked On: 17-03-2022, 02:46 PM
Salomons are great boots. Straight out of the box comfortable. They dont last too long though.
Liked On: 15-03-2022, 08:16 PM
Got to be much easier to find a spot to pitch 2 smaller ones rather then one big boy
Liked On: 14-03-2022, 08:07 PM
Use a decent powder like 2217 or 2225. Use good quality Brass, Norma is very soft Peterson is better and Laupua best of all, Be methodical with your reloading. Be consistent with what you do. I...
Liked On: 13-03-2022, 01:12 AM
Earth Sea Sky Hydrophobia best jacket I've had, and I've had a few, super light and compact and keeps rain out 100% I have two of them, one I wear quite a bit on the farm and other one only use...
Liked On: 11-03-2022, 11:00 AM
Use the 178
Liked On: 08-03-2022, 09:36 PM
It only needs to look pretty on the plate mate, not hanging off a tree.
Liked On: 07-03-2022, 07:23 PM
Rip Graham! I had the pleasure of running into him quite often with his family in tow when he did his pilgrimage to fill his freezer at mangaohane every year. Quite often sat down to a cup of tea...
Liked On: 06-03-2022, 05:52 PM
Anastasia parked up at the Doon wapiti block yesterday 191349
Liked On: 28-02-2022, 12:13 PM
You could always just put it on.:thumbsup:
Liked On: 24-02-2022, 07:10 PM
Depending what you like in a two stroke the 98 was a good engine too, very aggressive compared to other year models I had an 05' 250f back in the day and after rebuilding it several times and...
Liked On: 22-02-2022, 07:46 PM
'98 KX250. Had a few of these in my younger years -'96 & '97. Tidy bike imported from the US. Need to get the correct lime green rear mudguard, otherwise I'm pretty happy with it. Nice to have...
Liked On: 22-02-2022, 05:43 PM