7 pound is not heavy......you must remember what rifles used to be like?
Liked On: 30-06-2016, 04:42 PM
If the gong is hung near top it naturally deflects down
Liked On: 30-06-2016, 09:17 AM
Sure its not plastic? 270 denting steel....you're having a go :D
Liked On: 28-06-2016, 10:01 PM
Do we "harvest" goats now?? It used to be "knock a few stinkies over" in my day:thumbsup:
Liked On: 28-06-2016, 10:00 PM
Blaser blah blah blah. Expensive fishing anchor. Now a Sako on the other hand has class.
Liked On: 28-06-2016, 08:51 PM
Anything bar AP ammo, pretty sure it will stand up to 338LM easily.
Liked On: 28-06-2016, 07:55 PM
I've heard about fellas like you. Do you know Brads? He feels the same way
Liked On: 28-06-2016, 06:56 PM
Didn't take long Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
Liked On: 28-06-2016, 12:33 PM
You will have to turn your scope around so the targets look to be a normal distance for you😆 Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Liked On: 28-06-2016, 12:09 AM
Scope seems a bit extreame for he ranges you stated. 25m at 6.5 mag will be fun if the animal moves :D
Liked On: 27-06-2016, 11:22 PM
Humans can run but its not neccesarily good to do a lot of it. Like pumping iron - if you do a lot you get a noticeable but marginal result. Your VO2 max is largely genetically determined, once...
Liked On: 27-06-2016, 04:57 PM
mate hard to beat a vx6 2-12 cds its a lot of scope for the money
Liked On: 27-06-2016, 04:17 PM
I prefer the 85 stock shape. Sent from my SM-G388F using Tapatalk
Liked On: 27-06-2016, 01:22 PM
Did Kuiu get any royalties?
Liked On: 27-06-2016, 09:26 AM
Well I could get my wife to chip in with her opinion too since wives know everything!!!
Liked On: 26-06-2016, 09:58 PM