many thanks No 3 common sense -what are you trying to achieve - many on here seem to be just target shooters or trying loads out - if I zero for hunting I dont waste ammo - hit the right spot...
Liked On: 12-05-2024, 05:51 PM
I run 3 shot groups & confirm that (good) load by repeating it a couple of times, usually on different day. Very rarely have I seen a 0.5moa load turn into a +1 moa on repeat. It might be 0.7 on...
Liked On: 12-05-2024, 04:28 PM
ive always found my one shot groups to be the best on average :). Yep I racoon 5 to 10 round groups at 100 or 200 or further have to show any variables even morer aye.
Liked On: 12-05-2024, 02:18 PM
I can fire a 3 shot group of say .5moa in my 7rm{3 shots touching} but if 5 shots the group always opens up a bit with barrel and suppressor heating up. But if i fire 3 shots then let barrel and...
Liked On: 12-05-2024, 02:06 PM
3 shot groups under MOA are suitable for a hunting load for out 300m on deer sized game. A lot reloaders are happy with that and successfully fill the freezer. Precision reloading & development is...
Liked On: 12-05-2024, 01:55 PM
The 280 rem go gauge is the no go for a 280ai. Any one chambering should have one. I have one here if you need to borrow it.
Liked On: 12-05-2024, 12:06 PM
Cam speaks way more sense than you. He talks as a ecologist, scientist, and a hunter. He sees situations for what they are, has scientific evidence to back up his comments, and doesn't have...
Liked On: 11-05-2024, 07:08 PM
the 1000ltr IPC containers work really well.... lots of folks using them around here for long as have forks to shift them when full its too easy. cut plastic up to make lid/roof and stack...
Liked On: 11-05-2024, 09:07 AM
Good problems are good I solved that problem when wood shed was full and I didn't want to build more fixed sheds I made 10 of these transportable wood sheds They hold a full cord Built off the...
Liked On: 11-05-2024, 09:06 AM
I shot this 10 shot group back in April 22, once I sorted a load for my Sako 233. 52gr Targex @ 100m at Handloaders range Chch. Off the bipod & rear stock bag, similar shooting speed to you. The red...
Liked On: 11-05-2024, 09:05 AM
Be careful, might get this post deleted like my other
Liked On: 11-05-2024, 04:08 AM
Sore Gimp hiding out at the supermarket in the big H once, balbob left a note on the windscreen saying "super gimp powers" not sure if he got our humor, haven't seen him since strange for a small...
Liked On: 10-05-2024, 11:21 PM
"Merica" it was an American posting
Liked On: 10-05-2024, 08:39 PM
With the IBC's I cut the lid off the top of the plastic bladder tank and when the wood is stored inside it stops the dust and bark crud going everywhere. The 'lid' or top of the bladder (I cut them...
Liked On: 10-05-2024, 08:38 PM
Been a long time, so don't tell me to do a search Game camera - any gotos? I want to buy 4, at least one with cell capability Seem abit pricey Any sign of the famous Creeper these days ? ...
Liked On: 10-05-2024, 05:17 PM