white boy salami is no threat to chocolate thunder
Liked On: 27-08-2014, 11:03 PM
Nice good choice of caliber to :cool:
Liked On: 27-08-2014, 07:03 PM
Does anyone else think it looks like a $2 shop toy?
Liked On: 27-08-2014, 05:27 PM
It's probably got a plastic washer somewhere too, being a straight pull, so is undoubtably a disaster in the making.
Liked On: 27-08-2014, 08:25 AM
Next time your down bring the data if I can't work it out one of the boys might:)
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 10:28 PM
Theres a game camera photo page on FB , few people been putting there poaching picks on there
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 10:28 PM
I wish i could complain about poachers but instead all I have to complain about is aerial 1080.;) Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 09:15 PM
Lol she's done minus the little bag holding tabs just waiting for bag to arrive to fit it. She's heavy lol still only under arm model. Maori scales put me at 92kg holding this I'm 122kg lol ...
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 09:13 PM
Offal pit would be too got for them... "Poaching" forestry blocks etc is one thing (still don't agree with it), but thieves walking onto private farm and doing that shit makes me see red :yuush:
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 09:08 PM
Nice rifle he's using but it sort of remindes me of lawn bowls for shooters.no denying the talent some F class guys have.I doubt I have the discipline for it, small bore is about as far as I dare to...
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 08:17 PM
Beautiful supermarket pork roast:) 28503 Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 07:29 PM
Personaly wouldn't know:D bloody shit phone
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 05:32 PM
If you don't know who they are how do you know there local bro?.just keep in mind not all local Dannevirke hunters need to cheat. bloody shit phone
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 03:55 PM
yes but never as much damage or as big of exit holes compared to adams 30in edge doing around 2900 (mine are 2740) hense why im thinking of going to 250s, but 300s still do the job just not as...
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 01:01 PM
It could be used to mount a 25mm bushmaster chain gun on an APC I seen it up close. The highlight of the day will watching all the pissed off shooters when you drop it off to the mound with a...
Liked On: 26-08-2014, 11:25 AM