The hardest job of any culling operation is meat recovery Your first job is to strike hard and fast to avoid educating the pests Meat recovery would be at the bottom of ground staffs list
Liked On: 24-07-2023, 07:01 PM
I think we should get on to politics. This kinky stuff you guys do with lemons will get us all condemned as not fit and proper. At least with politics it's acceptable to be a lying sicko. (I'm not...
Liked On: 19-07-2023, 07:15 PM
Blow it out ya arrrse! :D
Liked On: 19-07-2023, 05:28 PM
Bro that bucket is blue
Liked On: 19-07-2023, 12:17 PM
As 199p said, just give it to a shark that needs a fricken lazer beam. That way at least the shark will be happy, cause tha'ts all those things are good for: scary stuff in the movies
Liked On: 19-07-2023, 11:40 AM
Oamaru private has been "hammered" at night time for 40 plus years, haven't been there since Air Charter "lost" it. Sika eat a lot of leaf litter at this time of the year, won't find much of it out...
Liked On: 19-07-2023, 11:17 AM
Good advice, but it has to be taken in context. Airway management takes precedence over C-spine protection. Lack of oxygen will kill you quicker than a spinal cord injury. There are measures that can...
Liked On: 18-07-2023, 09:29 PM
Past few years I've shot literally hundreds of fallow with 85gr TSX and 95gr SST 0-300yds and they have performed very well
Liked On: 18-07-2023, 08:57 PM
they arent dead..until they are cold and dead good on you,the world needs more first responders who give a shit
Liked On: 18-07-2023, 08:16 PM
Way to much time is spent on CPR. From a first response point of view, a small percentage of call outs are CPR events. But a large portion of first aid refresher courses are taken up with CPR. Once...
Liked On: 18-07-2023, 08:16 PM
I think the boycott available is not voting for them, rather than punishing the innocent franchisees. “Principles” should be values led, not emotion led. The
Liked On: 18-07-2023, 12:38 PM
No they didn't. The Gov did. Their CEO said stuff that the majority of franchisee's didn't agree with or likely didn't like being said, and in any event the Gov had well made their mind up and the...
Liked On: 17-07-2023, 10:17 PM
I think the using match bullets and going heavy for cal, especially with shorter barrels and lower impact speeds all tie into each other. Not uncommon to see for example 7remmag use 140g bullets...
Liked On: 17-07-2023, 05:58 PM
Sorry but i’m struggling to find the logic correlation lol. Like I said, they don’t miss you. Only the forum knows what you think as that’s your only impact and it’s old.
Liked On: 17-07-2023, 10:40 AM
The H&F rhetoric on here is so old. It’s pointless too. Not shopping at your local H&F does nothing to the central management responsible for the position they took, it only takes away sales from the...
Liked On: 16-07-2023, 10:49 PM