Still lucky here in NZ despite the cull. Yesterday my working day started at 3am. Milked my 1200 cows, cleaned the shed, put some fences up, mowed a paddock, turned the pivots on, handed the farm...
Liked On: 11-12-2018, 09:52 PM
Don't get hung up on being a numbers shooter . yes we strive to get that "Bag limit". Enjoy it for what it is , its a whole lot of things and not always numbers . I always remember the small quirky...
Liked On: 06-05-2016, 09:25 PM
Anyone keen on a fun photo comp ? , similar to last years one ( brace yourself or something run by Tim Allen). I will try scratch up some prizes . The Theme of "GO FETCH" , can be anything as long...
Liked On: 06-05-2016, 09:10 PM
The DOC permitting committee see no reason for permitting not to be given to Fish and Game. Bluddy Nora...maybe DOC wants to disassociate itself from all the argie bargie...they have enough...
Liked On: 23-01-2016, 09:36 PM
mmm naughty doc??? that right since when ??
Liked On: 20-01-2016, 08:08 PM
The Hun, also known as the English Partridge is the Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix)!!! The red legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) is known as the French Partridge...!!!! The Chukar (Alectoris...
Liked On: 12-12-2015, 04:16 PM
43407434084340943410 luv2safari This is typical country for our Chuckar . Note the birds can and do hold in briars ( rose hip ) , so dogs get the odd thorn or two . It's big country with most...
Liked On: 10-12-2015, 10:36 PM
So the meeting ended in light and jolly... So the minuted incumbent manager's caution to the council reminding them that there is a statutory obligation to band birds was not agreed to...
Liked On: 21-10-2015, 09:35 PM
Liked On: 14-10-2015, 07:14 PM
Quote... ...of the benefits that accrue to ordinary game bird hunters from the routine escape of preserve upland game to adjoining areas where these birds become more available to these hunters......
Liked On: 12-10-2015, 10:17 PM
gsp follower...yes, there were boot prints for it was I think about the fourth week into the season... Tim Allen....apparently the ballot blocks or at least the forestry blocks have not...
Liked On: 28-09-2015, 06:23 PM
What I dislike about all of this is the lack of respect...people are voted on to the council and squander the purpose of being there...this is not a joke, it is not a playway...when you have people...
Liked On: 25-09-2015, 01:30 PM
Tim Allen, my pleasure... Have got my voting papers for F&G ordered...writing of which, why does F&G not just send out voting papers to all adult licence holders...??
Liked On: 08-09-2015, 08:03 PM
Scouser...lanyard posted today:)
Liked On: 22-08-2015, 11:38 PM
I snuck up on a good eleven point stag a while ago and got some great photos and video; I always wanted to catch up with him in the hard; over the weekend I did... A single shot from the 7mm Rem Mag...
Liked On: 20-08-2015, 02:02 PM